
Heinrich chuckled before laughing hysterically. It was truly astonishing for him that a human cared so much. Maybe it was the series of unfortunate events that made the Princess think like that. 

"You are adorable," Heinrich said amidst his laughter, catching the Princess off-guard with his honest compliment. 

Her cheeks flushed, and she looked away. It was dangerous to be around this guy. 

"Do you really think pain fazes me?" Heinrich asked as he continued to laugh, "Oh, Sofia!" He chuckled, "I may have the same body as that of a human, but being connected to the wormhole means everything is different. I do feel pain, unlike other immortals. You should go see my children sometime. They do not even know what pain is." He explained, "However, it is okay. The pain is not too bad. Just uncomfortable." 

The Princess pouted, "If it is uncomfortable, it is bad." 

Heinrich chuckled, "Not really."