
Heinrich looked at the Princess with a blunt face, stopping his laughter at her statement. The Princess looked at him with nervousness, picking on the skin of her thumb. She wondered if she offended him. 

Heinrich leaned forward, catching the Princess off-guard. She couldn't move an inch, watching him closing in on her. He brought himself close to her ear, and she could feel his warm breaths. She nervously interlocked her hands as his breaths sent tingles down her spine. 

He was a dangerous man to be around. 

"If I had the option," He whispered into her ear, "I would gladly die." He raised himself back up and smiled, "That is what it feels like to be immortal." 

The Princess's eyes widened. She hadn't expected such an answer. She looked down at her hands, held hostage by one another. Immortals had a hard life. 

Heinrich chuckled at her silence, "Do not worry. I will never die." He reminded her, "You can rely on me blindly."