Cruel Fate

The Princess felt her cheeks burning from embarrassment as she quickly stepped down the stairs, holding Killian's arm again. 

"Let me walk you… back…" The Princess gulped, feeling someone's eyes scanning her. 

Heinrich glared at their linked arms. The Princess wondered why she was so nervous. Even Killian felt tense as he pulled his arm from the Princess's grip. 

"I shall go by myself," Killian murmured before quickly turning around to leave. 

The Princess tried to reach out for his arm, "Wait-" But Heinrich quickly grabbed her arm, stopping her from aiding him. 

"Let him walk alone," Heinrich said softly, letting her arm go. "The more he walks by himself, the quicker he recovers. Simple?" 

The Princess narrowed her eyes. It wasn't like she was lifting his legs for him. He was still walking by himself. Why did both these men make such a big deal about it? 

"Why are you here?" The Princess pouted, annoyed at both men.