An Eternity To Live

The Princess woke up to a knock on her door. She realized she had been sleeping in for longer and would only wake up when someone would knock at the door. She sat up, looking at the door with a slight smile. After another knock, Heinrich should enter the room. 

Except he didn't. 

So, it must be someone else. 

The Princess stood up and brushed her sleeping gown to reduce creases. She walked toward the door, opening it to find Killian standing outside. 

"Killian!" The Princess exclaimed in awe, "You climbed the stairs by yourself?" 

Killian cleared his throat, "My lady, my legs have healed now. I can walk by myself." 

The Princess smiled brightly, "Is that so?" She asked, "Wait for me. We should go to Heinrich and ask him about his promise." She quickly murmured before closing the door on him.