A Promise

August exhaled deeply. What Heinrich just said was valid. There was no surety that the Princess would accept Heinrich even after reuniting with her mother. 

"Your fault for making an empty promise," August sneered. 

"It is already done," Heinrich frowned, "So, your advice?" 

August sighed. Taking the Princess along with them was risky for her life. Keeping her here would be risky for her heart. August stared at Heinrich while thinking. Heinrich's temperament was much more endurable lately as he had been on good terms with the Princess. 

"Leave behind her back," August remained steadfast, "Having her ignore you for life is better than losing her life." 

Heinrich's eyes widened, "Is that your final verdict?" 

"Yes," August nodded, "Unless you are absolutely sure you can protect her," 

Heinrich frowned, "I might be able to." 

"Might be. That is not enough certainty." 

Heinrich gulped, "I can."