Shower of Rain (Pt. 2)

Heinrich shook the Princess around lightly, "Sunshine, wake up!" He murmured gently, trying to wake her up from her nap. 

The Princess slowly opened her eyes to see Heinrich leaning toward her. She looked around to see how the evening had blanketed the sky. 

"I cooked us rabbits for dinner," Heinrich told her while giggling. 

The Princess smiled, "Did you catch them?" 

Heinrich nodded, "Come eat with me." 

The Princess walked toward the campfire and sat beside Heinrich. He tore a rabbit leg from the skewer and blew air on it. Then, he handed it over to the Princess. She received it with a big smile as she couldn't contain her excitement. 

"Thank you," The Princess muttered before biting into it, "Mmm~ It is so good!" 

Heinrich smiled at her, watching her eat. "You eat so well," He murmured, "it makes me hungry," He laughed. 

He grabbed a piece to feast upon as well.