A magnificent deer guy appeared in front of him out of thin air in all his glory, confusing the young man with his piercing gaze. He was significantly taller than the captive, and Kiri felt fully under the power of a powerful creature.

- Were joking, you said? Then prove that you don't mind looking at me.

- How? Do you need to be praised?

- Well, try... - Ingris said sluggishly and settled down under the canopy of a maple tree, leaning against the trunk.

- A-amn... Well, about your eyes... I got wrong impression. They're not creepy, they're just weird to look at. People don't have the such black in their eyes, but white ones... so I blurted out that... - Kiri hesitated on mid speech.

A barely noticeable smile flashed across Ingris's face.

- Well, continue...

- Your eyes are beautifully almond shaped and larger than those of an ordinary people, which adds charm to you and... They also glow crimson and this attracts. Hair... a wonderful lilac color, I've never seen anything like it...

- And the horns? What do you say?

- They are just... amazing! - Kiri gave another compliment, confused, trying to find the appropriate praise for the deer's antlers. - Graceful!

- That's all? What else?

- And the body is so developed... I've never seen so many muscles in one place.

- Don't the men of your settlement have something like that?

Kiri shook his head in response.

- Well, since you admit your guilt, then I'll forgive you... - Ingris creaked languidly, scratching himself behind his ear. - We'll have a bath before bed today. You will groom me...

- What? - the young man stammered in confusion and unpleasant goosebumps of gloomy horror ran down his legs.

- And what should I do with you?

- Wash my hair and rub my back. Stroking with tenderness... Nothing complicated... you can handle it.

- Can't you do it yourself? With your claws... scratch yourself!

- You are now my spouse, you must be of some use."

- We didn't have a wedding ceremony and I didn't swear my love for you. What kind of spouse am I to you?

 - Are you showing your temper again? - Ingris blurted out sternly. - Haven't you realized yet that you need to obey me so that there are no problems?

- You… are… - Kiri stopped the phrase keeping in mind the insulting the forest spirit would cost him dearly.

- There will be a wedding ceremony for you! One that you will remember for the rest of your life.

- Umm... I got it, I'm sorry, - the young man hurried to apologize, so as not to anger his kidnapper. - We will bath together and I will groom you.

From these words, Ingris noticeably perked up and jumped up with a satisfied smile on his face, revealing his sharp teeth.

- Good boy! Now you begin to understand my needs... You and I will get along.

His black-crimson piercing gaze again sent unpleasant thrill down Kiri's legs and an icy cold filled his heart. It has already become clear that bathing will not be limited to just washing the body and hair. Kiri shrank with fear that something very nasty and painful might happen to him. 

Those sharp teeth and claws of the unpredictable beast! What if he starts touching him!? How to prevent this?

The forest spirit is equally frightening whether in a good mood or in a bad one. Kiri tried to calm down himself: you must learn to tame the wild nature of this creature in order to be able to return home one day. You just need to play along with him, lull his vigilance.

Bathing was arranged in a flowing pond with green lanterns flickering in the approaching dusk. Ingris slowly took off the bracelets from his hands, the belt from his hips, and plunged headlong into the cold, murmuring water.

- Why are you so shy? - he rustled his voice, emerging out. - Take off your clothes and come in.

- It's cold! — Kiri winced with a pitiful cry. - I'd better stay out, I don't want to freeze.

- Sissy! Should I heat up the water?

- Can you? Please…

Ingris laughed playfully and suddenly the clear running water of the pond began to foam, releasing light steam.

Kiri had to undress and, under the gaze of the deer guy, enter the bubbling water.

- Well, how? Warm enough?

- Just right... Although I have never bathed in such springs... And this is a very cozy feeling.

Kiri quickly warmed up, enjoying the pleasant bubbling stream, and relaxed, leaning on a stone protruding from the water.

- Get started! - Ingris commanded and handed the young man a transparent bottle with pink pearlescent liquid.

- What is this?

- Soap for hair! What's with the puzzled look?

- How did you make it? — Kiri spilled a bit of viscous liquid onto his palm.

- You don't know how to make soap?

- I know that... but why do you use it? Do deers need the soap?

- No, of course, - Ingris shook his head, smiling and splashing drops of water from his wet hair. - And I - yes! Sometimes... for the good mood...

- It looks too unusual, and it shines so beautifully. What did you add there?

Kiri sniffed the liquid cautiously and broke into an amazed smile.

- The smell of lilies of the valley! Incredible! How did you achieve such a miracle?

- Tell you everything! It's a secret!

- Please say! - Kiri drawled, squinting slyly. — How did you get this scent? These flowers only bloom once a year, for a couple of weeks!

 - No, no! Secrets don't come for free!

- I'm afraid to imagine what I'll have to pay for this, - Kiri muttered, hastily rubbing himself the scented soap over his chest and shoulders and rinsing with water. - Mmm... how delicious! Incredible refreshing fragrance!

- What are you afraid of? You will be my dear mate, you will not only have pleasure with me, but also learn a lot of new things.

- What pleasure do you mean?

- You'll soon find out that... Start courting me already.