A sharp shiver ran down the back of the young man's head from terrible suspicions of what awaited him.

Kiri barely forced himself to approach the spirit of the forest from the front and, pouring the wonderful soap into his palm, began to apply it to his damp violet hair, touching the horns and deer ears with his fingers. Then he was so distracted in rubbing the shiny liquid soap into his strands and scratching Ingris's head that he didn't immediately notice that the hands were around his waist.

"Get your paws off me!" Kiri muttered with quiet rage.

"Does this stop you from washing my hair?"

The deer guy let go of him and dived under the water, rinsing his head, then swam out behind the Kiri, wrapping his arms tightly around him and pressing him to himself. His uneven breathing on his neck further alarmed Kiri, who tried to break free from the tenacious embrace.

"Let go! I haven't washed you properly yet."

"Enough! I already smell like a meadow with lilies of the valley…" Ingris whispered passionately, showering him with kisses on his shoulders and squeezing him even tighter.

His teeth lightly bit the boy's earlobe, and his cheeky, elastic tongue ran down his neck.

"Let me go, beast!" Kiri growled, realizing what could happen next.

A hard object pressed against his butt and he panicked, fluttering in his arms and splashing water with his palms.

"You're not clean enough yet! How often do you wash? You still have to scrape and scrape with a brush, you dirty forest creature!"

"Don't try to distract my attention, my sweet berry…" Ingris whispered, rubbing into him.

"What are you planning? Ah-ah-ah!" Kiri squealed and, breaking free, slapped the deer guy in the face and splashed him with water.

"So you lied again?" the fae got angry.

"About what?" Snapped Kiri.

"About my beauty, if you hit me? So I'm still ugly for you!"

"No! No!" Kiri fussed, floating away from him. "I hit you because you pushed your hard thing against me! This is just a disgrace! No one has done this to me... which would be so weird!"

"And there is no need to be afraid of my feelings for you. They are real!"

"I just don't understand why you have a craving for guys? This is not a joke! Such a serious mental disorder!"


"There are so many girls in the village... I'll introduce you! Or I'll find another guy... Although this is unlikely... we don't have such perverts. I've never heard of this!"

"Are you trying to insult me again?" The crimson rings sparkled furiously in the eyes of the fae guy.

"Oh, no..." Kiri hesitated. "Just don't get angry again! I could help, but..."

"What is this "but"?"

"But…  not now! I need time to get used to you, I'm not ready for such a strange relationship. And in general... it's terrible to be forced to do this!"

"That is... after some time I can hope for a voluntary step on your part?"

"Ahh... I don't know..." the frightened Kiri hastily crept to the edge of the pond and jumped out onto the shore, hastily pulling his shirt and pants over his wet body.

"Coward..." Ingris said as the captive ran away into the house. "Ok, I will wait… my sweet heart."

The young man wrapped himself in a blanket, jumped onto the bed and cautiously looked out the window at the fae frozen in the pond, illuminated by fading green lanterns. He did not move from his spot, continuing to bath silently. Kiri breathed a sigh of relief that Ingris did not pursue him with his lust, which means that the danger has passed today.