She and her father spent a lot of time searching for Kiri, returning to the place where the villagers found Mali, but it was all in vain: there were no traces of boy and his kidnapper. 

The insidious forest fae had such powers that ordinary people had no chance to compete with him. While they were trying to thin out the black bushes with thorns with powerful cutters, a strong wind suddenly began to blow with a whistle, such that it was impossible to stand still without closing the eyes.

Or they were suddenly hit by a cold downpour and hail, they had to hide under trees with branchy crowns and wait for it to end.

Or a cloud of annoying insects would attack, crawling into the ears, eyes and mouth; such a problem was not easy to cope with. 

They rushed to run out of the forest.

"Nightmare! He mocks us and drives us out of his possessions!" The father and daughter concluded and, despairing of a positive result of the search, returned home with nothing.

Mali decided not to give up and, at any cost, achieve a meeting with Ingris in secret from her parents, using the dried residue of a greenish hallucinogenic mushroom.

She came into the forest following the marks left to the same black thickets where she last saw the image of her brother and, having swallowed a piece of mushroom, shouted out loudly:

  "Ingris! Let me see Kiri!"

After waiting a little, she again began to call on the forest fae and suddenly saw him appearing from behind the bushes. 

The distinct image of a handsome horned guy a head taller than her with a frightening gaze made her soul stir.

"Why did you shout, I know perfectly well that you are here. Cunning girl! You found a way to see me... you came across this mushroom completely by accident! Don't eat it again, stupid, or you'll die from the poison!"

"My name is Mali..."

"I know that you are Loni's granddaughter..."

Ingris came closer to her and stared at her, waiting for her questions.

"Why are you holding Kiri?"

"Don't understand yet? I like him as a partner. I want to live with him in a close relationship."

Mali frowned and blurted out:

"Just like marriage!? I don't understand what you mean... Isn't it a girl you need... for this purpose?"

"No! And why do I have to explain everything to you?"

"But he cannot give birth to a child for you, like a woman..."

"So what? I don't really need it."

"Let me at least see Kiri..." Mali said in confusion. "Make sure he's okay."

"He has a great life and has nothing to complain about. I surrounded him with care... Like a beloved spouse. You will only worry him in vain, he is already getting used to me..."

"You deprived him of his freedom and family!"

"All your tricks to bring him home will lead to nothing," Ingris said threateningly. "And offering something in exchange is useless. I don't need anything from hostile people, only Kiri!"

"You're not evil, as everyone thinks... If you're in love with Kiri, then you have a heart! We can be friends and trust each other. No need to hold him! Let go!"

His eyes flashed angrily.

"Friends, you say!? Your grandfather burned my forest because I tried to take Loni away from him... What kind of friendship can I have with people? I had to leave here for years until everything was restored!"

"It's your fault! Provoked him to such a desperate act! You cannot seek the attention of a married woman."

"Do you see? You make excuses for your grandfather... If you try this again, I will destroy your village to the ground!"

He suddenly disappeared and Mali, upset by the fruitless conversation, rushed home.

"They came for me, right?" 

Kiri began the conversation alone, basking in the morning sun and cutting a bowl from a piece of wood with a knife. 

"They couldn't give up so I could stay here forever? Looks like the negotiations failed? Right? You are silent..."

"Ingris?" He said louder to the side. "You disappeared from sight again for a long time..."

"Are you missing me?" A sullen voice was heard from behind the tree trunk.

"It's not that I miss you... I'm eager to talk," Kiri grinned. "I'm wondering what you usually do? Where do you go at night while I'm sleeping?"

"I keep order in the forest... I hunt to feed you..."

"And why do you bother with me? One trouble..."

"It's not difficult for me..."

"Do you eat meat raw?" Kiri asked, going through topics for conversation.

"Why do you think so?"

"You never have lunch with me."

"I want to do everything with you: eat, sleep, have fun, but you don't accept me. You consider yourself a prisoner, and me a villain, like the inhabitants of your village."

"If you let me go home for a while, then..." Kiri stopped mid-sentence.

"What?" The voice was alarmed.

"... I would stay with my relatives awhile and then come back to you."