He ran for a long time without looking back, realizing that there was no magical trap in this unfamiliar forest - the path did not lead back to the house at the lake. 

He sat down out of breath under the crown of a branchy tree, looking around. Completely different plants that he had never seen before: thick vines blooming with crimson buds, entwining tall trees, thick, burgundy-colored grass, many insects and birds, and a vibrant life teeming around.

This means that Ingris moved with him very far from his native village, perhaps a thousand miles, if there is a warm summer instead of winter in his area. And the sun here is much hotter... In this case, returning home is very problematic. It could be another island or continent.

After spending the rest of the day studying the local flora and fauna, Kiri ventured to try some fruits and berries that he found in the undergrowth and bushes of a foreign forest and seemed edible to him. Some were terribly sour, and the young man, who had not eaten since the morning, rumbled indignantly from hunger. It is dangerous to eat unfamiliar fruits; you can get poisoned.

Accustomed to full board, he felt helpless without the care of his horned husband. Ingris spoiled him with hearty meals and a cozy bed in a house protected from adversity. And now, left to his own devices, Kiri panicked at the rapid onset of dusk.

The hot sun set too quickly behind the horizon, leaving the darkening forest in the cool with the chilling and unpleasant sounds of some animals or birds. It was necessary to climb to the top of the tree for safety.

"Ingris!" Kiri screamed in despair, clutching the warm tree trunk. "Ingris! Can you hear? Take me away from here... Please!"

There was a terrible roar and a frightening rustle of branches behind me. Kiri looked around, noticing many greenish lights glowing in the dark. 

They slowly approached him with a muffled growl, swaying in the air. A cold sweat poured down his back from the realization that some predators had found him and were going to eat him.

 Kiri frantically moved his arms and legs, trying to climb up the trunk intertwined with vines, but the horror that shackled him seemed to paralyze him.

"Ingris!" Kiri shouted again with all his might. "Please! Save me! I won't run away anymore!"

The greenish lights froze in indecision, fading and flaring up.

"AND?" the mocking voice of Ingris was heard nearby.

"And..." Kiri rejoiced, waiting with bated breath for new conditions from the emerging savior.

"Tell me yourself what you can do to interest me so that I want to take care of you."

"I... I will become yours," Kiri added sadly.

"This night?"


"There's a little bit of delight in your voice..." the deer guy creaked languidly.

The frightening lights suddenly melted into the depths of the night forest and a familiar warm embrace with intermittent breathing enveloped his body from the back. The same tart musky smell burst into his nostrils and the touch of wet lips caused a rush of sharp goosebumps to the roots of his hair. For some reason, this made Kiri happy, causing excitement, and he turned to face the savior with a return hug, sliding his hands along his wide back down to his thin waist and tight buttocks.

"Sorry for running away," the young man muttered in a guilty voice, willingly plunging into relaxing caresses and pressing himself against the hot, sculpted torso.

"Hmm... silly," Ingris purred contentedly, reaching under his shirt and trousers with his hands. "You really thought that you could hide from me... By the way, your body began to respond to my presence. This makes me happy. This didn't happen before. What does it mean?"

"I…" Kiri breathed unevenly. "I need you…"

"This confession is clearly not enough... Tell me how you feel..."

The palm of the forest spirit moved actively, massaging the crotch of the young man, who was holding his breath from growing lust.

"I'm still waiting..." Ingris' excited whisper was heard. "My sweet... Say that you want me..."

"I want you..." Kiri obediently confirmed in a trembling voice, laying his head on his shoulder.

Clawed fingers dug deeper into his waist and after a hail of passionate kisses, suddenly pain pierced his neck and the young man screamed, feeling sharp fangs piercing his flesh. Greedy sucking sounds were heard and Kiri's consciousness became clouded, and his body almost immediately became paralyzed.

The deer guy had just now revealed himself to be a vampire after so many months of living together, and it didn't even occur to Kiri that his fiancé fed on blood. But whose blood? It's no use asking, he won't tell anyway.

He slept with him in his arms for many nights! Maybe he didn't notice his bites? Will he leave him alive after such a feast? — flashed through Kiri's elusive consciousness.

Oddly enough, from such a penetrating bite, his body was filled with pleasant bliss, and a hot stream of pulsating, seething blood ran through his veins. Euphoria splashed out of his chest in a stream, spraying previously unknown sensations of goodness.

The vampire pulled away from his neck with a smack and began to carefully lick the wounds on the skin with a hot tongue, accompanied by a satisfied rumbling.

"You bit me..." Kiri said reproachfully, breathing heavily. "For what? I thought you would use me in another way..."