"Hah, so this is foreplay... and at a gentle pace. It could have been much tougher! There's still more to come... I'm prolonging the pleasure. I don't need all your blood, but only as a spice for complete fusion."

"You are a vampire, it turns out... I thought that they only exist in scary fairy tales, in the sick imagination of crazy storytellers."

"These are not crazy fantasies at all..." Ingris laughed. "There are a lot of them, but they act secretly so that no one knows about their existence and does not look for them to destroy them."

"You endured this much time, holding back so as not to bite me?"

"I was waiting for you to love me and accept my nature. Now you realized that you had become attached to me and felt helpless in the danger of being eaten alive by forest predators. If you could see them in all their glory..."

"I don't like all this," Kiri said frankly. "Are you going to bite me often?"

"I wish I could," Ingris thought. "But I love you so much that I won't do it often... Let's do it this way: either one bite or penetrative sex, choose what's more pleasant. Did you feel euphoria?"

Kiri did not answer, rubbing his palm over the healed wounds on his neck.

"Difficult choice!" he said with irritation, no longer feeling the discomfort of the bite.

"That's it, you need to try all the pleasures with me, then you will evaluate it objectively..."

"Let's calm down for today! I want to eat, you ate and then feed me..."

Ingris laughed with enthusiasm and instantly moved with him to the house near the lake and lit the lamp in the room. His face shone with happiness much brighter than a lamp.

"How did you move so quickly?" Kiri asked. "I ran pretty far."

"You won't be able to do this soon, there's no point in explaining now," Ingris answered evasively, cracking large nuts with his sharp teeth.

"Will I become the same... as you, a vampire?" Kiri's face distorted with disgust.

"Oh-ho-ho... I don't know what transformations will happen to you because of our interaction. Who you become is not up to me to decide."

"Who will decide then?" Kiri was frightened, picking up the kernels of chopped nuts from fae's palm.

"The magic power that you attract from the world of spirits. I don't know who will choose you."

"Is it possible to avoid this? I don't want to accept any weird spirit into my body!" the young man was indignant.

"Don't be afraid of change, my sweetie... It's much better than being an ordinary human. Your consciousness will remain, but your ability to survive will increase. You will no longer be weak and begin to command any creatures of this world."

"In general, I had a good life as a human being until you came into my life," Kiri grumbled. "How long are we in this forest?"

"What don't you like here? Other plants or creepy predators? Don't run away anymore and they won't come close to you."

"So what do these green-eyed wolves look like? Are they really that creepy?"

"Why did you decide that they were wolves? Rather, disgusting-looking fanged creatures - Gorgs! Blood-sucking too… but to death… People don't live here because of them. Too dangerous..."

"Why did you bring me here? And how far is it from my settlement?"

"It's too far away, you can't walk there. There is no winter here, there is no people, there is more food, and you are limited by natural barriers. It's even harder to escape from me..."

That night, the young man had to fully accept the caresses of the forest fae, who was not going to limit himself to just a vampire bite and subdued him from behind amid indignant screams.

"You said that you want me..." Ingris whispered in a satisfied tone, melting with pleasure and showering him with kisses.

"Everything was a set-up: a dark, unfamiliar forest and predators... I said this out of desperation!" Kiri justified himself.

"Hmm... didn't you like it? It's clear from your eyes that you're in bliss..."


Attempts to enter to the world of spirits did not pass without a trace for Mali: she began to see ghosts in reality and this greatly interfered with her daily life and was spooky. A variety of small and huge but always transparent like gray fog often crowded nearby. No eyes, no mouth, silent, frightening.

It turned out that people have no private life. Someone is constantly watching and spying on them. She had to quickly relieve herself or hastily wash in a barrel of water, covering with a towel.

There were also incidents with eating: at the most inopportune moment, when she stuffed something into her mouth, something vile and slippery with horns crawled out of the plate of food.

"Ouh, yucky!" She jumped up from the table and waved her arms, trying to swallow the contents of her mouth without disgust.

The parents tried not to notice their daughter's oddities, citing the stress she had experienced due to the loss of her brother.

At one night, the Rauhs came to her - frightening creatures with fluffy black wings on their backs. She opened her eyes in a gray fog and saw them standing around her bed, as if they going to do something to her.