She often saw a handsome brunette with a bare torso; Adlar calmly walked around the village invisible behind her and got on her nerves.

"And what do you want? Why are you following me?" She hissed at him irritably, running the yard of her parents house.

"I'm protecting you from others and you need to get used to me."

"I didn't ask!"

"How are you going to become a spirit and bring your brother back?"

He sat down on a bench in a businesslike manner, looking at the chickens pecking at the food poured into the tubs.

"And why should I become one? If you know Ingris, don't you have access to him?"

"I do not have! No idea where he is now. And what interest do I have in chasing him? Look for him yourself!"

"Then why are you hanging around here?"

"Don't understand yet?" Adlar grinned. "You need to merge with me so that you gain strength."

"What?" Mali's face wrinkled. "Is there no other way?"

"You're funny! How else can I convert you? If we make love not once, you will be transformed into a spirit."

"What kind of love, I don't love you at all!" The girl frowned.

"Am I that ugly and scary to you?"

She shook her head, embarrassed.

"Then what is the problem? I like you and I will do it well..."

"Who are you by the way? Are you a former human?" she interrupted his arguments.

"My transformation happened a long time ago... and I don't want to talk about it at all."

"Why are you then without horns and a tail, and other attributes?"

"A-ha-ha! I didn't want to add unnecessary nonsense to myself. There are natural spirits, like Ingris, and there are converted ones, like me. When a person turns into a spirit, he acquires the desired features. Everything that seems beautiful will become its new appearance. If you see yourself with a tail or wings, then no problem..."

"Your queen Imralin also has no excesses. How did she become your OverLady?"

"I don't know," Adlar spread his hands. "She is many times older and stronger than me. And in general, you are too curious. If you take on your difficult task, bring it to the end."

"I didn't need to get involved in all this," Mali shook her head in frustration. "Ingris is too strong for someone like me to handle."

"It is not known who is stronger, because the strength that will enter you is difficult to estimate."

"I'm not looking for this power, and in general I already have a guardian."

"Celestial? A serious statement," Adlar laughed. "I'll have to fight him for your soul."

"What's so funny?"

"Well, these Beings don't like to sort things out with us, let's put it that way. Apparently your brother's guardian lost to Ingris or refused to start a fight."

"There is some difference between you, isn't there?" Mali decided to clarify. "You are dark spirits, and the guardians are light? Can they be weaker than you?"

"Are you belittling us?" Adlar was indignant. "We are not weaker at all, and the fact that Kiri entered our kingdom proves this."

"It's not his choice! Ingris captivated him."

"Hmm..." the spirit concentrated, exploring the space. "They both are far away from here… Kiri is… with him now and he's on the path of becoming... I don't know who."

"Can't this be canceled? Is there absolutely nothing that can be done?"

"Not anymore! Your brother apparently entered into a strong bonding with him... Do you know what is meant? Kiri became his spouse by his own will… You have one way to communicate with Kiri - to become the same as us. Or never meet him. Will you give up that easily?"

"No... and I'm offended that I'm being manipulated because of some nasty spirit!"

"However... you have entered into a confrontation between two worlds, so you no longer even have a choice how to accept our conditions."

"I don't want to join your ranks at all, I just want to see Kiri."

"We'll see what happens next," Adlar said in a threatening tone and disappeared from view.