Kiri realized that he had finally gotten used to his fate - to be under the power of a strong forest spirit. No matter how much he resisted the will of fae for many months in captivity, he still had to become Ingris's husband and accept all his daily caresses and bites.

A frantic passion fell upon him from the night when Kiri agreed to have sex with Ingris and he, with his consciousness, each time fell into the abyss of bliss tearing apart his whole body. It seemed that the forest spirit, like a hungry beast, drank his vitality during violent intercourse. However, the young man did not feel exhausted; on the contrary, he was filled with unknown strength and new experiences.

During one bite, to his surprise, Kiri decided to respond to his partner in the same way - he bit him in the ear with all his strength and purple, tart-tasting blood got into his throat.

"Ha!" Ingris growled tensely, twitching his deer ears. "Surprising! You weren't planning on becoming a vampire, were you? Well… enjoy now..."

"I just swallowed a few drops..."

"That's enough... Then you will become even stronger..."

 In the following days, his perception intensified: he began to hear more sounds and smells of the surrounding world, see in the dark, and practically stopped sleeping.

 The promised transformation into another creature began to take place, and Kiri was afraid to look at his reflection in the surface of the lake, expecting to see some unpleasant changes in his appearance.

Ingris once disappeared for several days without any explanation and Kiri went down to the lake in search of him. He hovered over calm water on a bank overgrown with golden grass among the rustling branches of a weeping willow and did not find anything frightening in his appearance. It seemed that his face remained the same. The same large transparent green eyes, only the hazel coloured hair grew below the shoulders.

 Suddenly a quiet splash was heard and, rising silently from the water, the lord of Lake Erloki appeared with an ironic compliment:

"Do you admire yourself, sweetie? You have become even more beautiful... Kiri... very attractive."

His huge yellow eyes with slit-like pupils flashed lustfully and the young man pulled away from the water, glancing cautiously at the triton.

"Sorry to bother you, Erloki... I can't find Ingris, he's disappeared somewhere. I haven't seen him for about three days..."

"Hmm, did you miss him? Of course, he is a wonderful partner! Caring and all that... I don't know where he is."

"So what should we do? How to find out what's wrong with him?"

Erloki concentrated, closing his bright eyes and purred uncertainly:

"I don't feel his presence on earth... he doesn't respond to my call. This means he is somewhere very far away... Get into the water, let's swim together, relax..."

"Oh, thanks, I don't want to!" Kiri waved it off, guessing about the triton's intentions.

"Are you still scared by me and my tentacles?" Erloki grinned playfully, foaming the water around with his elastic limbs and approaching him. "Why? You're becoming a spirit… don't avoid me. We can become close friends, right?"

"Well... I don't know," Kiri was confused, stepping back away from the water. "There is little in common between us... What is the use of you seeking friendly relations with me?"

"A strange question... You attract me..."

"Oh... in that sense?" The young man guessed with an awkward smile. "Actually, I'm not a fan of such entertainment..."

"Hmm... it's a pity that you refuse... you don't understand the benefits of our close contact."

"And what is benefit from you?"

"Well, firstly, pleasure... secondly, your transformation will accelerate... thirdly, you will get to know me..."

"Again, I repeat, I'm not a fan of intimate things, no matter what you promise me. I don't want to, because I just don't want to and it doesn't matter what you look like. You're probably a vampire too... I don't want your bites."

"You don't like Ingris biting you?"

"How can I like this?"

"What are you talking about... I get such a kick out of his bites!" Erloki exclaimed excitedly.

The narrow pupils in his yellow eyes widened into two black circles. "This is a sign of special feelings. This is how he expresses his love. You're so lucky!"

"His love is very aggressive!" Kiri disagreed, shaking his head.

"Do you know how many spirits are in love with Ingris?" The triton rustled mysteriously, coming ashore.

"I don't know," Kiri answered, continuing to slowly retreat from him. "But he said that he couldn't find a mate..."

"A-ha-ha... Well, you can say so... after all, it's not easy to satisfy him... Shouldn't I know..."

Erloki was no longer going to stand on ceremony and instantly grabbed the stunned guy with his six cool tentacles, pressing him tightly to himself. It was impossible to get out of such a tenacious embrace and Kiri could not even utter a word from lack of breath. He could only squeeze an indignant squeak from his throat and glare into the languid eyes of the invader with an indignant gaze.

"Don't worry so much... Only pleasure threatens you..."

A long forked green tongue emerged from his mouth and licked Kiri's cheek, causing the young man's face to twist in disgust.

'Ingris... where have you gone? ' a mental call was sent to his husband while Erloki was carried away by licking his ear and neck.

"Don't bite me, please," Kiri stammered helplessly, fluttering in the triple ring of hugs.