On The Brink

Something about The Lord's words didn't sit right, and it wasn't just a hunch.

The fact that someone has stated before, not to listen to his words, intensified my feelings.

"Why can't you share the reason?", I pressed for answers, "With what you're spouting, there's no way I'm going to blindly follow you!"

In response to my unwavering demand for answers, The Lord's voice echoed, "I shall reveal this much to thee: a rift in diplomacy has torn asunder, and Three have set forth a plan. With haste, we must move to thwart the scheme's unfolding."

With a hint of skepticism, I inquired, "Why should I believe you?"

In response, The Lord spoke with a certain solemnity, "I cannot compel thy belief. Yet, consider this: there may come a time when belief or disbelief shall weigh heavily, and it may be that delay becomes an unaffordable luxury."

Curiosity piqued, I posed my final question, "Who are the Ulthars?"