On The Flight

In the depths of those dim tunnels, a chilling transformation was undergoing infront of my eyes.

The ground, once an innocent shade of blue, morphed into a ghastly, blood-red hue.

It wasn't just the shadow cast by the nets.

As I gazed on the crimson earth, I saw not just an altered color, but a grotesque dance of serpentine forms weaving through it. Sinister, elongated shapes resembling snakes slithered in the scarlet depths.

That mess was so damn crazy, it hit me like a ton of bricks and yanked me from my slumber, leaving me with this deep, inexplicable terror.


When I woke up it was still early. Surprisingly, what I felt from the creepy dream faded fast.

I grabbed my Samsung, flipped it open, and hit up arXiv, lookin' for some number theory proofs, that I could gain an inspiration from.