
As I approached the cafeteria, I noticed Lydia sitting at a table, sipping her coffee.

She looked elegant in her light brown jacket, and her dark hair flowed gracefully down her shoulders.

"Hey, Lydia," I greeted her with a friendly tone.

She had been gazing out the window, but her attention shifted to me when I sat down.

"Oh, hi, Max. I'm happy that you made it. How was the flight?" Lydia greeted me warmly.

"Not bad... I don't even feel tired," I replied.

"That's good. So... Max, I wrote to you before that I got my Ph.D. already. Or rather, I will get it in 3 days at an official ceremony," she said with a smile.

"So they let you skip 3 semesters, from what I understand?" I asked. It seemed a bit unusual to me. Normally, you would at least need to pass some exams.

"No, they let me through based on trust," Lydia explained.
