Famous or Infamous

Following our conversation in Central Park, Olivia took off, and I did the same.

I drove back to MIT, and there I was, spending New Year's Eve flying solo.

But, surprise surprise, I wasn't the only one.

When I hit the dorm, Rick was right there, locked in a CS2 session with his high school friends.

As soon as I entered, I shot him a question, "Rick! You wanna help me buy a house"

Rick's eyes didn't leave the screen as he mumbled, "Ymm... Right... Sure. Wait, what?! You want to buy a house? in 2023?"

"Yea, what's the problem"

I casually shrugged, "Yea, what's the problem?"

He finally tore his gaze away from the game, a perplexed expression on his face. "There is a lot of problems... but mostly the cost. It's not as easy as it was 3 years ago. Banks won't give you a million for a house, just cause you have 50k and a stable job."

It felt like he might be projecting his own experience.