Scamming SpaceZ

After finishing breakfast and bidding farewell to Oliv, I made a call to Engineer Mr. Henry.

I said, "Hello?"

Mr. Henry in a gruff voice said, "Yes?"

"I've got a plan to get in touch with SpaceZ. Do you, by any chance, know someone who might have a connection there?"

Mr. Henry paused for a moment, and said, "Well, there's this engineer I know. Works over at SpaceZ. I got acquainted with him at a conference a while back."

I said eagerly, "That sounds promising. Can you pass along the message or help facilitate a meeting?"

"I can certainly try. But mind you, these SpaceZ folks are usually wrapped up in their own business. Not the easiest bunch to get through."

"I appreciate your help, Mr. Henry."

"Well... I'll make the call and see what I can do. I will call you back."

"Thank you, Mr. Henry."

With that, we exchanged some pleasantries and ended the call.