Better Education and Concert

We continued our conversation, and we agreed that within a month, I would have a discussion with a higher-up, potentially Elon Musk or someone else with decision-making authority.

Mr. Charles inquired about the progress of the new technology I mentioned.

I explained that it was in the early stages and would likely take a few months to materialize.

He noted that until the technology was more than just theoretical, we should hold off on making any decisions.

Shortly after, we concluded the meeting.

On the way back home, I got a call from Oliv.

Phone in hand, I asked, "Yes? What's up, Oliv?"

"Veronica has a concert tomorrow." She shared the news,

"So... we can't meet with her?" I remarked.

Oliv quickly countered, "Of course we can. It's even better. We will be able to hear her play."

I asked, "At what time is the concert, then?"

Oliv replied, "It's at 2 p.m."