Free Will

As the third alarm blared throughout the laboratory, I chose to ignore it, my mind preoccupied with swirling thoughts.

I made my way to the resting area where my family was, but before entering their room, I needed a moment alone to collect my thoughts.

Sinking into one of the sofas, I found myself grappling with existential questions.

Why were we going to such lengths, knowing that the Architects already possessed all the answers?

It seemed as though we were being used as mere pawns, a thought that left me feeling unsettled.

Maybe it was me. I was the main pawn.

I thought back to when someone Jumped into Veronica back in Germany.

"It's an emperiment..." Rang in my mind.

The Somnus Veri injection is the main reason why all of this is happening. I and my double in the Zytherian cluster were given the Somnus Veri, but what's the goal of this?

What's the goal of this experiment.