
The Lord considered my question for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Consciousness," he began, his tone measured, "is the awareness of oneself and the awareness of being alive."

His explanation struck a chord within me. This was a completelly different definition than Therion's. Perhaps I had been following the wrong guy all along.

Maybe Therion wasn't the traitor. Maybe, just maybe, Therion was a traitor to the experiment itself.

It dawned on me that from the very beginning, I might have been misguided. Perhaps I had placed my trust in the wrong hands.

In that moment, the world around me seemed to blur, the lines between reality and illusion blending together in a disorienting haze.

Was any of this real, or was it all just part of some elaborate experiment? 

What was the true nature of my existence?

My mind raced with questions, doubts, and fears.

What should I do if none of this is real?