The Road Of Glory


Rashmi furrowed her brow, "Why'd Vazeer just nod like that? Didn't he even ask what the job entailed?"

Jai, a knowing glint in his eye, leaned back. "That nod was Vazeer's way of showing Shetty exactly where he stood. A silent dismissal. Shetty's lost his grip without Vazeer around. Remember, World domination, my dear, has always been Vazeer's game. A game he started long ago, fueled by a promise etched in his soul."


The midday sun beat down on the bustling marketplace as Vazeer, a small boy with eyes full of wonder, wandered beside his mother. He stopped, captivated by the glint of a gold bangle displayed in a shop window. Reaching out, he picked it up, the cool metal a stark contrast to the heat of his palm.

His mother's voice, laced with a hint of longing, cut through his reverie. "Leave it back, son. It's far too expensive for us."

Vazeer, his brow furrowed in confusion, looked up at her. "But Ma, you love gold, don't you?"

A small smile tugged at her lips, a flicker of sadness in her eyes. "Who doesn't, my child?" she admitted, the unspoken truth of their circumstances hanging heavy in the air.

Vazeer, his chest puffing out with newfound determination, squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, Ma. I promise, one day, I'll bring you all the gold in the world." The weight of that promise settled on his young shoulders, a seed of ambition taking root.


Rashmi's voice cracked. "What does it have to do with gold after all?"

Jai's lips curled. "Ah, Rashmi, you miss the gleam in Vazeer's game. He was assigned to be the watchdog, you see - to sniff out every parcel arriving from Africa. Every box unfurled before his watchful eyes, all to ensure the gold streaming in wasn't Gaza's. After all, Shetty's own shipments left from the same continent. But here's the rub," he leaned in, "after months of this charade, Vazeer noticed a discrepancy. The gold wasn't African at all. It originated elsewhere. And where there's a hidden path for smuggled goods, there's bound to be someone powerful on the take, wouldn't you agree? Someone Shetty himself bows down to. Vazeer saw his chance, a chance to figure out the true source and maybe, just maybe, use it as leverage. Because let's not forget, Rashmi, Vazeer craved power, yes. But that hunger stemmed from a promise."

Rashmi. "Hold on," she interjected, "what about the gold? Why keep Shetty in the dark about it not coming from Africa?"

Jai, burned his cigarette in the air, "Shetty, Rashmi, was a master manipulator. The white lungi he favored was a carefully crafted facade – the image of a simpleton ruling by the grace of those around him. A role he eventually inhabited a little too convincingly, let's say. But beneath that folksy exterior lurked a cunning mind. Vazeer, unlike many others, saw through the act. He suspected Shetty was well aware the gold wasn't African at all, that the whole charade was for show. So, Vazeer played along. Kept his own suspicions hidden, letting Shetty believe he, and only he, knew the truth. It was a calculated move, Rashmi. A way to gain Shetty's trust is to burrow himself deeper into the organization and understand how it actually functions. Knowledge is power, after all, and Vazeer desired power more than most."

"So, moving to Karnataka and accepting the invitation was multi-reasoned," stated Rashmi.


The salty breeze whipped at Vazeer's hair as he sat on the Marine Drive boardwalk, the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore a constant counterpoint. Beside him, Rahman, his weathered face etched with the wisdom of years spent navigating the city's underworld, puffed thoughtfully on his hookah.

"Karnataka, eh?" Rahman finally rumbled a low vibration.

Vazeer let out a ragged breath. "Do I have a choice, Chacha(Paternal Uncle)? Shetty's got his claws sunk deep into Bombay, and the only way to loosen his grip is to play his own game." His voice was laced with a bitter resolve.

A smile played on Rahman's lips. "You always were a sharp one, Vazeer. Not just muscle, but brains too. This Karnataka business could be your golden ticket – a chance to unearth the real source of that gold and maybe, just maybe, take control of Bangalore in the process. And remember," he tapped Vazeer's knee with his hand, "you're never far from home. If the sharks get circling, you know you can always call on your old Chacha."

A surge of determination steeled Vazeer's spine. With a nod, he rose to his feet, the weight of his decision settling on him like a familiar cloak. He packed his bags that night, the city lights of Bombay receding in the rearview mirror as he embarked on his journey to Bangalore.


"Hold on a moment. Who is this Rahman? Why such a grudge against Shetty?" Rashmi's sharp intellect sliced.

Jai's previously sardonic expression hardened. "Indeed, Rashmi. Rahman was Vazeer's closest confidante before. They were both idealistic, attempting to navigate the city's burgeoning criminal underworld with a semblance of morality. However, Shetty, a man fueled by boundless ambition, would stop at nothing in his ascent. He used anyone and everyone as stepping stones, and Rahman..." Jai paused, his jaw clenching tightly. "Let's just say Shetty made a brutal example of him, a calculated move to establish dominance. Vazeer never forgot that transgression. He maintained a facade of cooperation, worming his way deeper into Shetty's organization. All the while waiting for the opportune moment to exact his revenge."

The weight of Jai's words hung heavy in the air. "This was no longer a narrative of a smuggling operation gone wrong. The stakes had escalated significantly. Vazeer wasn't merely a cunning player in Shetty's game; he was a predator in disguise, his actions driven not just by ambition but a simmering desire for vengeance." Rashmi felt a tremor of unease course through her. The story had taken a dramatic turn, revealing a far more personal dimension.

"So, this was the same reason for Vazeer's seeking vengeance against Shetty?" Rashmi asked with curiosity.

"Indeed," Jai replied with certainty, "And for that, going Karnataka wasn't just a choice. It had opened new horizons for Vazeer. A new chapter begins."

{Sorry, for the inconvenience the future updates will be constant after the next chapter.}