Welcome to Banglore


Bangalore airport was crawling with people as Vazeer hopped out of the cab. His old pal Chacha Rahman stood next to him, looking more weathered than a forgotten suitcase.

""Relax, Chacha," Vazeer said with a smirk. "I got this."

Rahman chuckled, a dry rasp that betrayed his lingering worry. "Never doubted your strength, Vazeer. It's the others I'm concerned about – the ones who'll have the misfortune of crossing you." A glint of steel flickered in his eyes, a reminder of the man Vazeer knew lurked beneath the wizened exterior.

A glance at the wall clock spurred Rahman into action. "Well, it's time for this old bird to fly the coop. You take care of yourself, and I'll look after those street urchins you've adopted, hmm?" A hint of amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes.

"You got it, Chacha," Vazeer chuckled. He knew Rahman wasn't a fan of his soft spot for the local orphans, but the old coot couldn't resist a good jab.

Just as Vazeer turned to leave, Rahman's voice boomed after him. "Hey, word on the street is Bangalore's full of hotties. Maybe this time you'll bring back a souvenir for your old uncle, huh?"

Vazeer couldn't help but grin, shaking his head as he walked away. Rahman's teasing was a welcome reminder of a simpler time before the harsh realities of the city had hardened them both.

As Vazeer settled into his seat by the window, he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Turning slightly, he found himself face to face with a young woman, her eyes sparkling with a hint of determination. She gestured towards the window seat with a polite smile, a silent request for him to move.

Vazeer glanced at the empty seat beside him and then back at the woman, taking in her appearance. Her eyes, a warm brown, met his gaze directly. Her attire spoke volumes about the woman she was. A crisp white shirt pressed to perfection, peeked out from under a tailored black blazer that hung casually over her shoulders. Tailored black trousers completed the ensemble, an outfit that screamed professionalism with a touch of understated elegance. Her dark hair, the color of rich, dark chocolate, was pulled back in a neat bun, not a single strand daring to stray from its perfect order. The bun, somehow, managed to be both practical and surprisingly stylish, framing a face that hinted at a sharp intellect and a quiet confidence.

In contrast, Vazeer's attire leaned more towards casual yet stylish. He sported a fitted black leather jacket over a plain white t-shirt and dark denim jeans that hugged his frame comfortably. 

His long hair, unrestrained by convention, fell in untamed waves around his shoulders, a dark mane that spoke of a wild spirit unbound by societal norms. His beard, thick and full, added to the aura of strength and mystery that surrounded him. 

Sensing her silent request, Vazeer offered her a small smile and gestured towards the window with a nod of his head. "You can have the window seat if you'd like," he said, his voice gruff but kind. "I don't mind."

With a polite smile, she thanked him, her eyes alight with anticipation as she gazed out at the bustling airport below.

As the plane ascended into the sky, Vazeer couldn't resist the urge to strike up a conversation with the intriguing woman beside him. Clearing his throat slightly, he turned towards her with a friendly smile.

"So, what's your name?" He inquired, trying to sound casual despite the curiosity burning within him.

The woman glanced at him briefly, her lips quirking into a playful smile. "Oh, I'm afraid that's classified information," she replied.

Vazeer raised an eyebrow, surprised by her response. "Classified? Are you some kind of secret agent?" he joked, a playful glint in his eyes.

The woman's teasing reply sparked something in him, a flicker of amusement he hadn't anticipated. "Alright, Ms. Mesterious," he countered, leaning back with a relaxed air.

Undeterred by her evasive answer, Vazeer decided to try a different approach. "Alright, fair enough. But can you at least tell me why you're heading to Bangalore?" he asked, genuinely curious.

She hesitated for a moment, her lips quirking into a mischievous smile. "Ah, now that's a secret I can't divulge, Mr. Curious... no... Mr. Perv." She teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Vazeer couldn't help but laugh at her coy response, enjoying the banter between them. "Fair enough, Ms. Mysterious. I respect a woman who knows how to keep a secret," he replied, playing along with her game.

Their banter continued throughout the flight, each exchange filled with laughter and playful teasing. Despite her reluctance to reveal too much about herself, Vazeer found himself enjoying her company more and more with each passing moment.

As they disembarked from the plane and made their way through the bustling airport, Vazeer found himself stealing glances at the mysterious woman beside him. Her playful behavior and quick wit had left a lasting impression on him, and he couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay behind her enigmatic smile.

"Are you sure you won't tell me your name?" Vazeer tried once more. His tone laced with amusement as they navigated the crowded terminal.

The woman chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm afraid not, Mr. Perv," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of laughter.

Vazeer grinned at the playful nickname, deciding to play along. "Well then, Ms. Mysterious, it looks like we're in this together," he said, falling into step beside her.

As they made their way towards the baggage claim area, Vazeer couldn't help but admire the woman's effortless grace and confidence. Despite her refusal to reveal much about herself, an air of intrigue surrounded her, drawing him in like a moth to a flame.

"So, what brings you to Bangalore?" she asked, turning to him with a curious expression.

Vazeer hesitated for a moment, debating how much to reveal. "Business, mostly," he replied vaguely, not wanting to delve too deeply into the complexities of his own affairs.

The woman nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "Ah, a man of mystery," she teased, her eyes dancing with amusement.

Their conversation flowed easily as they waited for their luggage to arrive, each exchange filled with laughter and shared secrets. As they retrieved their bags and exited the airport, Vazeer could not deny the growing connection he felt with the mysterious woman walking beside him.

As they stepped out into the warm Bangalore air, Vazeer couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement pulsating through him, like a current of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

"Time to say goodbye, ma'am," Vazeer said, his voice tinged with reluctance as they reached the taxi stand.

The woman turned to him with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting the shared moments of laughter and camaraderie they had experienced during the journey. "Yeah, I had a great journey with you, Mr...?"

"Vazeer," he replied, a hint of playfulness in his tone as he savored the moment.

As the woman settled into the taxi, Vazeer lingered for a moment, a flicker of hesitation dancing in his eyes. "Maybe," he mused, his voice barely above a whisper, "I'm Mr. Perv."

With a final wave, Vazeer watched as the taxi pulled away, carrying the mysterious woman into the bustling streets of Bangalore. And as he hailed a taxi for himself, he couldn't shake the feeling that their chance encounter was just the beginning of something extraordinary.

After a long day of traveling and anticipation, Vazeer finally arrived at the apartment that Daniel had arranged for him. The building stood tall amidst the bustling cityscape of Bangalore, its modern façade a stark contrast to the ancient charm of the surrounding streets.

Inside, the apartment exuded an air of luxury and sophistication. As Vazeer stepped through the door, he was greeted by the spacious living area adorned with plush furnishings and tasteful décor. The soft glow of ambient lighting cast a warm and inviting atmosphere, welcoming him to his temporary abode.

The sleek, minimalist design of the apartment was emphasized by polished hardwood floors and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered panoramic views of the city skyline. From his vantage point, Vazeer could see the twinkling lights of Bangalore stretching out before him, a mesmerizing sight that seemed to promise endless possibilities.

Making his way further into the apartment, Vazeer discovered a well-appointed bedroom with a large, comfortable bed adorned with crisp linens and fluffy pillows. The adjoining bathroom boasted modern fixtures and luxurious amenities, inviting him to indulge in a rejuvenating shower after his long journey.

As he settled into his new surroundings, Vazeer couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Daniel's thoughtful arrangements. Despite the gravity of the task that lay ahead, he found relief in the comfort and peace of his temporary shelter.

After a quick nap and refreshing shower, Vazeer received a call from Daniel, pulling him out of his reverie.

"You're here, huh?" Daniel's voice crackled through the phone.

"Yeah," Vazeer replied, his tone reflecting the weariness of his travels.

"For now, just relax," Daniel continued, his voice tinged with authority. "We'll hold a meeting at the strip club tomorrow night. Come there to meet me."

"Okay," Vazeer replied, his voice barren of willingness as he processed Daniel's instructions.