It was not very far from the University of Washington to Ainsley's home, but for the first time, Ainsley felt a little tired on the way back.
After returning home, Ainsley did not even have the mood to make dinner. She just took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and nestled herself into the sofa.
She was a little agitated.
But she could not tell why.
She knew very well that she no longer loved Cason. Actually, she hated Cason now.
However, ever since Cason deliberately disgusted Ainsley after they got divorced, Ainsley could not help but feel irritated and even nauseous.
She could not believe that she fell for such a man before.
The alcohol went down her throat to her stomach, and it slowly dissipated the irritation in Ainsley's heart.
Suddenly, her phone rang.
Ainsley moved her fingers slightly and pressed the answer button.