Manuel looked up. Amidst the crowd, he still saw the booth where Ainsley sat not far away.
A few men were surrounding Ainsley with ill intentions.
A hint of coldness flashed through Manuel's eyes.
Those men and Ainsley attracted many customers' attention. The customers in the surrounding booths all noticed what was happening, but no one dared to go forward to help Ainsley. After all, those men were local hooligans who had been in this area for many years. No one wanted to cause trouble for themselves.
The head of those men looked at Ainsley and Lainey with a sly smile. "Ladies, you'd better take our invitation. I'm Scar. You can ask others about who I am. If you follow me, you will enjoy a good life."
The man called Scar reached out his hand, trying to touch Ainsley's face.
Ainsley's eyes flashed. She grabbed Scar's wrist with her slender white hand.