Chapter 59 She Taught Me

Ainsley had a calm appearance as if what had just happened had nothing to do with her. Koen could not help but take a few more glances at her.

However, he looked at Kaitlin with disgust. At such a young age, Kaitlin was scheming. The Baldry family was finished.

"No. We can't call the police. If she is taken to the police station, Kaitlin will be done for." Lindsay's face turned red.

Lindsay immediately turned her attention to Ainsley. "Ainsley, you can't treat Kaitlin like this. In any case, you were once her sister-in-law. You can't be so cruel. Besides, you are saved and have lost nothing."

Ainsley stared at Lindsay and coldly said, "Kaitlin never thought about how good I was to her when she did these things. I had given her a chance before she did wrong things."

Ainsley's face looked firm. Kaitlin was completely flustered. Kaitlin had never thought that this matter would be exposed so quickly or that Ainsley would actually record it.