Everyone knew that the host of this grand banquet was the Gage family, and so was the main character.
In front of the French window on the west side of the hall, there were many golden candlesticks. The dim light was flashing. Ainsley stood with a glass of champagne in her hand. Manuel was right beside her.
He took a glass of wine from a passing waiter and handed it to Ainsley. "Why don't you try this? You will like it."
Ainsley put the glass in her hand aside and took the glass from Manuel. A faint violet fragrance drifted over. "This is Nebbiolo red wine?"
"That's right. Aisy, guess where this is from."
Ainsley took a sip. The wine had a rich violet fragrance and a faint cherry-like taste. She smiled and said, "Is it from a winery in Barbaresco?"