Chapter 112 Witness

Manuel looked at Ainsley, who was lying on the hospital bed and having porridge obediently. He kept thinking about her collapsing in the rain.

When he saw she fainted in the pouring rain, he only felt a sense of emptiness in his heart.

Manuel silently walked to the window and looked at a few conspicuous flowers on the green lawn behind the hospital. The buds started to bloom.

A patient sneakily walked to the lawn and reached out to break the stem of a flower.

Manuel's heart skipped a beat, and his face darkened.

A girl was in a pool of blood. Another girl cried crazily and eventually passed out.

This scene made him unable to stand. He held the wall with one hand and pressed his temple with the other.

Ainsley asked, "What's wrong?"

Manuel forced a smile and slowly smoothed his brows. "I'm fine. Have you finished eating?"

"Yes." Ainsley took out a tissue and wiped the corner of her mouth.