Chapter 113 The Police Car

Ainsley sneered, "Kaitlin has hated me for a long time. I think you should know better than me about what she does at school. After all, you have taught her before. She likes playing tricks. Even if you really get my thesis, she won't help you. She only wants to set against me. After her goal is achieved, how can she care about you?"

Kiera burst into tears. She bit her lips. "It was my fault. I listened to her and kidnapped you. It was all my fault."

"Explain the photo to me," Ainsley recalled it was because of the photo that she fell for the trick that day.

Kiera kept quiet for a moment and pursed her lips. "It was Kaitlin who arranged for someone to get close to Serina. Then, the person took a photo with Serina. That photo was half real and half fake."

After Kiera finished speaking, her face turned pale and her head drooped.