Kaitlin grunted coldly. She was just making sure Ainsley would show up at the wedding. She wanted Ainsley to see when Cason married another woman. She wanted to see how depressed that woman would be!
Ainsley entered the wedding venue after first paying the gift money and found a seat, surrounded by people she didn't know.
After sitting down, she looked around searching for Zane, whose face had been shown on the news yesterday.
People were looking at Ainsley. Many of the people there had also attended Cason and Ainsley's wedding. They bemoaned the fact that the ex-wife came to the wedding ceremony of her ex-husband.
Kaitlin immediately patted Lindsay. "Mom! She's here!"
Lindsay glared. "Why did Cason and Kaliyah invite her here? What a shame!"
There were plenty of refreshments on the table. But Ainsley had no time to look at other things. She was looking for someone and was stopped by Cason beside the column. He said, "You're here!"