Chapter 128 The Time She Left

Lindsay looked at Ainsley smugly to see how she would answer.

Ainsley pointed to Zane. "Mr. Zane is a recently returned doctor of psychology who has many accomplishments and has created many well-known papers and theories. I am a psychological counselor and am certainly interested in Mr. Zane."

The man being named looked at Ainsley with a faint smile, stood up very gentlemanly and extended his hand. "Ms. Easton, hello."

Ainsley also extended her hand. "Mr. Strato, sorry to bother you."

Kaliyah shook Cason's arm. "Let's put this matter aside for now. Besides, Ms. Easton was invited by me. All I care about is the torn wedding photos and the marriage certificate."

She put the first photo on the table and then brought out a second one. This one was even worse because Kaliyah's eyes were blacked out and her mouth was marked with a cross in lipstick.

Becky was indignant. "Ainsley, you're going too far!"