An impatient look appeared in Ainsley's eyes as she asked. "Have you made a deal with Cason? How could you come as soon as he left?"
Kaliyah lowered her head and smiled, and when she looked up again, her eyes were cold. She said, "I followed him here. I saw the messages he sent you yesterday. He left the company two hours earlier than usual today, bought some dessert, and came here."
Ainsley sneered and asked, "What do you mean?"
Kaliyah's expression changed, and she said, "Stay away from him. It's best if you don't meet again for the rest of your life. Ainsley, don't be too shameless to steal someone else's husband after you break up."
Ainsley almost splashed the water on Kaliyah, but she held it back and said coldly, "Kaliyah, what you said was ridiculous. You are the really shameless one. You stole my husband when you returned from abroad."