"I'm riding a horse with Aisy," Manuel said without hesitation.
Ainsley glanced at Manuel, surprised that he had actually said it in front of Irene.
Irene was also very surprised. She did not expect Manuel to answer her like that.
He spoke to her like that in front of Kaliyah and Kaitlin, which embarrassed her.
The sun was particularly dazzling. Irene narrowed her eyes slightly and said to Ainsley with a cold smile, "Ms. Easton, have you forgotten what you said in St. Nork?"
Ainsley looked back at Irene fearlessly. Her expression was also cold. She chuckled, "But Ms. Wade seems to have lied to me in St. Nork."
"What do you mean?" Irene asked, trying her best to suppress her anger.
Ainsley looked at Manuel and Kaliyah, then asked in surprise, "Do you want me to say it here? It's okay with me, but don't you think it's embarrassing?"
"Ms. Easton, I mean you no harm. You don't have to be so hostile to me," Irene said gently.