On the way back, Manuel supported Ainsley, and said, "Is your birthday two days away?"
"Did Serina tell you?"
"Why didn't you invite me?" Manuel's voice was muffled.
Ainsley didn't answer, and Manuel didn't ask again.
When she came back, she met Irene's eyes, and she walked over. "Can we have a talk?"
"Okay." Irene followed her to the corner without fear.
"Why did you do that?" Ainsley asked her.
Irene looked at Ainsley, pretending to be unknown to anything. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Ainsley took a deep breath and continued, "You were the only one following my horse just now. Did you use a needle?"
Ainsley smiled, but it made people feel chill.
Everyone listened nearby. Irene pursed her lips and smiled. "It is common for horses to go crazy in the racecourse."
Ainsley showed a hint of cattiness. "So you denied that you did it?"