"You will never know how cruel your words were to her. Perhaps it is these words that she..." Ainsley could not bear to continue.
Mary jumped up in anger, pointed at Ainsley's nose, and scolded, "Shut up! What do you mean by this? Are you trying to say that my daughter was killed by me? You are full of nonsense!"
"Don't be agitated. I need more details." Ainsley frowned slightly. She felt that things were not that simple.
Mary wanted to kick Ainsley out but suddenly thought of the compensation that she had not yet gotten. So she tried to restrain her anger. "What more details do you need?"
"When you came back from shopping and saw your daughter fall, did you see anyone coming out of the building? Did you see someone running away in a panic?"
"What do you mean by that?" Mary's face turned pale.
She trembled as she said, "Didn't my daughter commit suicide? Did someone kill her? But the police said that she..."