"Now that things have become like this, there's no point in hiding it anymore. Whose idea is it to take a banner and go to the school gate with Nancy's photos? Who told you to ask for 1.6 million dollars?" Ainsley asked Mary sharply, staring straight into Mary's eyes.
"I don't know what you're talking about. As ordinary people, it's all we can do, but the police said that it was suicide. I don't believe it, so I can only go to your school and ask for an explanation. I think you have to compensate me with 1.6 million dollars," Mary lowered her eyes and said.
"The person who gave your son chocolate is exactly the one who gave you the idea, right?" Ainsley did not believe Mary at all.
Mary pulled a long face and did not answer any of Ainsley's questions.
"Even if you don't tell me, I can still find the truth. Do you know about this brand of chocolate?" Ainsley took out the chocolate that Trevon had given her.