Chapter 291 Let Wesley Out

Emily said with a straight face, "What? Ainsley, how dare you say that to me?"

"So what if I say that to you? Did I say anything wrong?" Ainsley sneered.

"Ainsley! Don't slander me! Do you think what you said is the truth? If you dare, let Wesley out and say what he knew."

Kiara said angrily. She thought, how dare this bitch mention my daughter?

Emily scolded, "Do you think everyone is as shameless as you? You had a marriage before. Do you know what the people of the Baldry family said about you? They said that you had cheated on your husband. After the divorce, you even wanted to marry into the Gage family. Unfortunately, you failed! You are the shameless one!"

"Shut up!" Suddenly, a sharp voice shocked everyone in the hall. They all looked over and saw that it was Serina.

Most of the people present knew Serina. After all, she was the beloved daughter of the Gage family. Many people wanted to curry favor with her.