The chain of kidnapping incidents had frightened Serina, making it impossible for her to relax at all.
Even when Serina was walking on the streets, she was afraid of any man who appeared around her.
Seeing Serina's expression, Ainsley knew that this was a stress response. Ainsley made a decision herself.
When Wesley was brought in by Matteo, Freya hurriedly walked to them. The longer she looked at Wesley, the more worried Freya felt. "Wesley, why are you so thin? It's only been three days."
"Wesley, did you get beaten up in the detention room?" Emily asked.
"No, no." Wesley showed an unusual panic when he was asked this. He looked in the direction of Ainsley in panic and only denied it.
Emily saw it. She turned to point at Ainsley and asked loudly, "Ainsley! Did you do something to Wesley? I suddenly remembered something."