Several trucks were parked outside the factory of the Easton Group.
Ainsley followed Robert and Jason to watch the offload. "Mr. Blake, the equipment has been transported here today. They are all new goods in stock at the headquarters. It will be too late to transport them from Germany."
Jason smiled. "Ms. Easton, I didn't expect you to be so efficient. It's been a few days since you turned to the headquarters, and the equipment was really transported here."
"This is all for the sake of the factory. By the way, Mr. Blake, can the factory work normally now? It is inevitable to recover the production line." Ainsley looked serious.
Robert's expression was not much better. He did not expect Ainsley to do this so quickly.
"Of course," he said with a smile.
When the equipment was sent to the factory, Robert returned to his office with a serious expression. He even wiped his sweat with a handkerchief from time to time.