Outside the casino, Chad guffawed with cash in his arms. "Manuel! We won 5 thousand dollars! 5 thousand dollars! The people in the casino let us go this time."
Chad found this experience incredible, but Manuel took it for granted.
They won money from the other gamblers and helped the banker do so. Therefore, the banker didn't stop them from leaving.
With the cash in his hand, Chad sighed. "Manuel, do you know that the rich will become richer and richer? A batch of machines will arrive at our factory today. I heard that each machine cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't know if it's true or not. In the eyes of the rich, 5 thousand dollars is nothing."
Manuel said meaningfully, "The Easton Group is the only large factory in Ocala now."
Chad sneered. "In fact, the Easton Group is not the largest factory here."
Manuel raised his eyebrows. "I did an investigation about Ocala. I didn't find a factory bigger than the Easton Group."