Manuel couldn't tell his feeling. He calmly motioned John to take the report.
Ainsley opened the door cautiously and looked at Serina, who was in the corner. She also saw the mess on the ground.
It seemed that Serina had mood swings. A radical treatment was not suitable for her.
Serina saw Ainsley.
She blinked and burst into tears. Then, she stood up and began to throw the fragile items into the room.
Regardless of the danger, Ainsley opened the door to enter the room. She shouted, "Serina, freeze!"
Manuel followed Ainsley in and adjusted his position to stand on the right of Ainsley so that he could protect her in case of any unexpected situations.
When Serina saw the scene, she secretly laughed. Her desire to make something good happen became stronger.
She targeted the large vase.