Seeing him, Ainsley gradually relaxed. She glanced around and began to think about her situation. Ainsley soon remembered the photo in the study. She had a headache.
"Manuel, what's the photo in your study?" Ainsley rubbed her head and stared at Manuel, who had a hint of panic on his face, not giving him a chance to retreat.
Manuel gave Ainsley a cup of tea and said, "What are you talking about? What photo? Are you thirsty? You just woke up. Drink some water."
"I'm not thirsty. Don't change the topic! What's the photo?" Ainsley frowned and looked straight at Manuel.
That photo?
At this moment, Serina timidly moved over.
"Serina, how are you?" Ainsley asked worriedly.
Serina said guilty, "Ainsley, I'm sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn't have lied to you."