Chapter 406 Cut Her Tongue

Ainsley finished watching the video. She did not expect Dana to give her such a big surprise.

She wanted to call Matteo, but before she could do that, Matteo's call came.

"Matteo, I have seen the video."

Matteo was stunned. "That guy is too quick, but I called you not for this issue. It's about another thing."

"What?" Ainsley's heart skipped a beat.

"Dana is missing."

Ainsley thought about the wounds on Dana's back in the video and mocked, "Wasn't she forced to do that?"

"People always believe what they see. Even if there are doubts, they just believe they are Sherlock Holmes. They thought they knew the truth, but they are just controlled," Matteo said sarcastically.

But no matter what, it was useless to mention this.

"Matteo, I need your help. Could you find out where Dana is?" Ainsley's eyes got deeper.

"I've sent someone to investigate. By the way, I'm afraid that Irene will be released soon."