Chapter 407 That's All

Fortunately, Manuel still remembered Ainsley had told him that if he recalled anything about his dream again, he had to let her know.

He subconsciously dialed the special dial number.

A shrill horn accompanied by the screams of passers-by and the noises of the car came to him, causing Manuel to have a fierce headache, and then, he passed out.

Ainsley was sleeping soundly when she was woken up by the sudden phone ringing in the middle of the night.

She fumbled on the sheet irritably and grabbed the phone. Then, she picked it up without looking at the caller's number, "Yes?"

The serious tone of the voice on the phone sobered Ainsley in an instant. She bounced up from the bed, widened her eyes, and said in disbelief, "Where are you now? I'll be there right away."

After that, she held her phone to her ear with her shoulder and hurriedly put on her clothes as she wrote down an address.