Her entire body began to shake violently. This eerie scene gave Serina goose bumps.
Ainsley was slightly dazed. Why was Serina's description the same as what Ainsley saw when Ainsley was absent-minded in Wolf Market? Unless Serina had experienced all of this before.
"Serina, calm down. What is in front of you is not blood, but a glass of ordinary water. Look carefully, there is no color..."
While Ainsley was thinking about this, she did not forget to treat Serina.
But before Ainsley could speak again, the phone was suddenly cut off.
In the room, Manuel turned off the phone with lingering fear. His fingers trembled slightly, and he was shaking.
He was afraid that Ainsley would ask something in Serina's subconscious, and he was really afraid that Ainsley would guess something.
Ainsley did not suspect that Manuel had turned off the phone, and only thought that the battery had died.