Chapter 416 Preparation

When she was sitting in the passenger seat of Cason's car, she had to pretend to be considerate and comfort Ainsley. But Ainsley's indifferent and distant attitude made Kaliyah feel like Ainsley was putting on an act. Perhaps behind Ainsley's calm face, she was up to something.

Now Kaliyah realized that she, not Ainsley, was the loser. Kaliyah could not tolerate the slightest discomfort.

When Cason looked at Ainsley's photos, Kaliyah wanted to tear them apart and ruthlessly smash them on Ainsley's face.

But Kaliyah just could not do anything.

That night, Cason went out for work. Kaliyah entered the study, looked around, and found everything so familiar and unfamiliar. But Kaliyah didn't know where to look at.

The table was neat with a laptop and things that may come in handy. When Kaliyah opened the drawer, the first thing she saw was a photo album.

Her hands trembled as she flipped to it. She saw Ainsley's eyes on the first page.