"Aisy! Aisy!"
Ainsley felt that she had a very long dream. In the dream, she had returned to the days when she traveled with her father. At that time, she did not know Manuel. All of these things didn't happen.
Fatherly care and laughter filled her dream.
In the dream, she sat in her father's passenger seat. Amid the cheerful music, a truck rushed out. She was slammed out of the car. She floated in the air and looked at her father who was sitting in the driver's seat with blood all over his head. He also looked at her with a smile.
"No, no!"
After waking up, Ainsley opened her eyes and saw Manuel.
Manuel sat on the sofa and looked at the tablet in his hand. His eyes were full of exhaustion.
He seemed to have noticed something and looked over only to see Ainsley, who had just opened her eyes.