Chapter 518 Ainsley Disappears

Seeing that Ainsley did not cheer up because of his words, Matteo continued, "Didn't we already get Nancy's autopsy report? With this and Leonard's testimony, it is enough to prove that Nancy's death is related to Irene."

"But can you be sure that Leonard will appear as a witness?" Ainsley suddenly said.

Matteo was stunned for a moment. Indeed, Leonard was willing to take out the real autopsy report because he was sure that there would not be any danger.

But if he needed to appear as a witness, he might not agree.

Ainsley looked at Matteo's expression and did not know what to say for a moment. Look, even he knows that Leonard might not help us. What is the use of evidence?

Matteo could not bear to see Ainsley like this and immediately said, "Aisy, our people have found a few people in the private room of the bar that day. We will catch them soon."

"And then?" Ainsley asked coldly.
