Manuel had the urge to rush up, but he felt that Ainsley's dance was unspeakably strange.
The banquet finally came to an end. Daniel took off his coat and draped it over Ainsley. He said softly, "The car will be here in a second."
Ainsley nodded coldly and wrapped the coat around her.
Manuel stood in situ and looked at Ainsley. The way her emaciated body was draped in that man's coat was a sight to behold.
He rushed over abruptly, grabbed Ainsley's wrist, and ran.
All of this happened so suddenly that before Cason, who had been standing beside Manuel, could react, Manuel had already pulled Ainsley and ran far away.
Daniel angrily scolded, "Manuel, stop the fuck right there!"
Daniel desperately chased after them, followed by a few reporters.
Ignoring everything, Manuel held Ainsley's hand and ran in the direction of the parking lot.