Chapter 536 Replace

When Georgia heard this, she only smiled gently. She looked at Ainsley sincerely and replied, "You are the daughter of a rich family. Since you were a child, you have lived a luxurious life. You have never been hungry, have you? If I become you, I can feed myself. I will have the strength to help my family. Why shouldn't I do it? Some people try their best to get what you have. You are not me. You never know that when I return home, my brothers and sisters will look at you pleadingly. My old parents will open their hands and wait for my help. I'm fine now. I just lost my appearance and voice, but this can let me see a world I have never seen before. It is enough for me to have everything."

She paused and continued, "Speaking of which, I am really grateful to you. It is my luck to be able to look like you. Ms. Easton, thank you."